Jury Services
Jury duty in the 36th District Court is for one day if you are not selected. However, if you are selected to serve as a juror, you must serve until the conclusion of your deliberations for that trial. You may call (313) 965-2570 after 5:00 p.m. the business day before your scheduled jury duty to receive instructions on whether you need to report for jury duty. If you are told to report, you will need to arrive by 8:30 a.m. With your summons and state issued identification, you may enter the building through the employee entrance. You may not be selected to sit on the jury, but you should be prepared to stay for the entire day. If you are selected to serve as a juror on a case, you may possibly be required to return for a second or third day of trial.
Juror Pay
Juror pay is $30.00 for the first day. Juror pay increases to $45.00 for a second day and for each day thereafter. Jurors also receive $10.00 per day for mileage. Payment will be distributed to you in cash on the same day(s) of your Jury Duty service date(s).
Responsibilities of a Juror
- Bring your summons with you.
- Be on time.
- Dress appropriately for court (no jeans, shorts, halters, flip-flops).
- Make child care arrangements in advance of your jury term.
- Arrange for your transportation to and from jury duty.
Requests to be Excused
Requests to be excused or postponed from jury duty must be made before your report date. You may email your request to: JuryServices@36thdistrictcourt.org., or call the Jury Clerk at (313) 965-4151, or mail your request to Jury Clerk, 36th District Court, 421 Madison Street, Room 219, Detroit, MI 48226-2338.
You must have a good reason to be postponed, and will be rescheduled unless you have grounds to be permanently excused. A request due to a medical condition must be accompanied by a doctor's statement.
If you are summoned for jury duty and do not report as required, you will be subject to penalties for contempt of court.
Requests to be Disqualified
Grounds for disqualification are:
- Being over the age of 70 and not wishing to serve;
- Not able to speak or understand the English language;
- Having a permanent medical condition that precludes service;
- No longer living in the jurisdiction in which you are called to serve;
- Having a felony conviction.
Depending on the reason you provide, you may be required to submit proof in order to be disqualified.
Jurors are not reimbursed for parking or transportation expenses of any type.